Self Study Course - Financial Statement Auditing, Fraud Detection and Cash Recovery using ActiveData for Excel

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By Michelle Shein and Rich Lanza

CPE Credit: 8 hours

Course Level: Basic

Prerequisites: None

Advance Preparation: None

Format: Workbook with CD-ROM

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The purpose of this course is to assist auditors, fraud examiners, and management in implementing data analysis routines using ActiveData for Microsoft Excel. It is hoped that through the dissemination of this new information that more analysis will be done using audit software to prevent and proactively detect organizational inefficiency, ineffectiveness, and fraud. It walks through 19 common fraud detection, cash recovery and audit tests within the accounts payable, accounts receivable, and general ledger audit areas.

This paricipant will:

  • Gain an awareness of the importance of using data analysis tools for fraud detection and cash recovery
  • Be provided with specific approaches approaches to implementing fraud detection and cash recovery reporting concepts
  • Be able to map out each step for the most common of fraud detection, cash recovery and audit tests
  • Gain knowledge to suggest fraud detection and audit procedures as part of their engagements

About the Course

Financial Statment Auditing, Fraud Detection and Cash Recovery Using ActiveData for Excel is a self paced, self study course that walks you through how to use ActiveData for Excel as a fraud detection and cash recovery tool.

The course also provides sample data to test your skills prior to using "live" company data.

Financial Statment Auditing, Fraud Detection and Cash Recovery Using ActiveData for Excel comes as a spiral bound book complete with a CD of demo Excel files and software, examples, review questions and a final exam.

Your order will be shipped in the next 2 business days and you should receive it within 4 - 10 business days (depending on your location).

Click here to order.

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